Marrying a Millionaire

7:51:00 AM


It was shown in ABS-CBN in February 2008 after the series Spring Walz and i didnt expect i will like the series. my kuya and i finished it in 3 seatings. The story is ok. The twists and turns are superb :D Funny Melodrama!

200px-kim_hyeon_jooHan Eun-young played by Kim Hyun Joo looked very innocent through out. Acting is fine. She’s also starring in the series Boys over FLowers, a hana Yori Dango Korean Version(which is the enxt on my list to watch)

gosooKim Young-hoon played by Go Soo – his eyes are cute. He also have this innocent looking face in the series! He also starred in Green Rose(which i didnt know). *kilig factor*

yoosanghyunYoo Jin Ha played by Yoon Sang Hyun is Eunyoung’s superman. He is always there to rescue. I liked the part when they’re in France when he’s starting to like the girl – the instances when he’s watching her via the cctvs.. and when he quitted his job he really liked for eunghoon.

sontaeyoungJung Sumin played by Son Tae Young. She’s pretty :)

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  1. Great post.Just a quick note it is important that Korean translation in a movie being accurate and efficient can indeed not be overstated. Especially in the ever faster moving world of globalized business, successful information and technology transfer within multinational businesses can make the difference between win or lose.

  2. 2CD9A4BD9BMarisol3FEF879247December 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM

